Adventures with Allie The COVID Club

  • Adventures with Allie The COVID Club
    Adventures with Allie The COVID Club

Well it was nice while it lasted, but I finally caught the rona.

I have joined the COVID Club.

I hate being sick, but the worst thing about being sick this time… My husband is sick too.

Yep, we both caught the rona. Well… he caught the rona at work and gave it to me so really he’s to blame here.

This last week and a half of staying inside and avoiding human interaction has made me realize a few things.

First thing, I need a vacation.

Not the kind of vacation where you take time off work so you can go to a wedding, or some other family event. Oh no, I need to spend a week in a little cabin up in the mountains far far far away from the nearest running toilet.

Or on a beach somewhere with no wifi, no cell service, just the waves crashing against the sand.

I need to disconnect from work, from social media, I just need to reset.

Second thing I’ve realized, my husband is absolutely my best friend.

I can’t think of a single person on Earth that I can spend a week and a half locked inside of an 800 sq ft box with, and not end up hating, besides him.

He has been so good to me.

Third thing I have realized is that my kitchen is WAY too small.

I enjoy cooking, and baking a whole lot. But I have no room to cook anything more complicated than hamburger helper.

Fourth thing, I really enjoy being with my work family. I miss working from the office so much.

Nothing would make me happier right now than going to lunch with Sapphire and Emily.

Fifth thing I’ve noticed, my dogs are a lot smarter than they would like everyone to think.

They have learned that if they jump up and press the button on my water cooler, fresh, ice cold water comes out.

They also have learned that if they lurk in the laundry room while I cook, they’re far enough way to stay out of trouble, but they are close enough that if I drop food while I cook, they get to it before I do.

My big dog has learned that if she limps like her arthritis is bothering her, she gets to sleep on the bed with her humans instead of her bed on the floor.

But somehow they are still not smart enough to know that their food bowl has food in it unless my husband or I shake the bowl before we set it down.

Sixth thing I have noticed while in complete isolation is that my house is an absolute mess.

My husband and I collect little figurines and I didn’t realize how long it had been since we dusted them.

Same with my DVD’s. We never watch DVD’s anymore because we have streaming services that are instantly accessible and not as much of a hassle, but because there is no guarantee that our favorite movies will be on one of said streaming services, we keep the DVD’s around.

So there they sit, untouched, and covered in dust.

Also, my pantry is an unorganized mess. There’s pasta on the cereal shelf, and there’s canned beans where the rice normally goes and there’s an unopened package of Oreos from halloween. Yes I said halloween.

My guest bedroom is even worse off than my pantry. There are still boxes of decorations from my wedding that haven’t been put away. I got married October 10th.

The worst part about my house being a complete train wreck? I’m too weak to do anything about it right now.

I tried running the vacuum across the hallway, and I got so dizzy I had to sit back down.

I definitely need to do some spring cleaning when I feel better though.

Seventh thing I’ve realized is that I have wonderful friends and family.

Everyday they check in and ask how my husband and I are feeling, they make sure we take or medicine and drink plenty of water.

My sister, who lives in California, even had groceries delivered to our house so we wouldn’t have to worry about going out to buy some.

My friends have made sure that my husband and I don’t get bored. We’ve been playing video games with each other and have even talked about having a watch party for the new Mortal Kombat movie.

The most important thing that I have realized though, I am lucky.

I am lucky that this virus hasn’t hit me as hard as it hits some others.

I am lucky that I have a wonderful group of friends and family the are here for me when I need them most.

I am lucky that I have a job that allows me to work from home when I am sick.

I am lucky that my mom taught me how to take care of myself and others while I’m sick.

And I am lucky to have a husband that loves me unconditionally.

This virus is no joke.

It’s not a sham.

It’s not a political agenda.

It’s not “just like a cold”.

It is absolutely miserable and has killed millions of people across the world.

I am begging each and every one of you to please wear a mask, wash your hands as often as you can, and sanitize everything.

Get the vaccine if you can, so you can help protect the people like me that can’t get it because of underlying health reasons.

Be a team player, and take care of someone else today. Even if that just means putting a mask on when you go to a gas station.

Be safe,

Love your neighbors,

Love your pets,


And please please please, stay safe and stay healthy.