
Adventures with Allie

‘Twas the week before Christmas, and all through the town, Not a snowfl ake was falling, just clouds hanging down. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that Jack Frost soon would be there.

Mostly Educational

Christmas: Secretly Banned in Oklahoma Schools Once again, rumors persist this holiday season of a pernicious and evil campaign to cancel Christmas in Oklahoma’s public schools. In fact, I recently saw a social media post by our state superintendent pledging to protect Christmas (and guns?) in Oklahoma schools.

Stock Market Insights

Dr. Richard Baker AIF, is the founder and executive wealth advisor at Fervent Wealth Management.

Hoodie Weather Part III

A faithful reader of The Missing Ink reached out to me recently and told me if there wasn't going to be a Part III to the Hoodie Weather series that began running a few weeks ago, he was going to cancel his subscription to the Citizen. Well, I have no intention of disappointing a faithful reader to the point that he is willing to end a decades long relationship with the local newspaper that informs, entertains and… in the end… probably lines a shelf, or birdhouse, washes a window, or ignites a barbecue grill.

Adventures with Allie

Every year on or around Thanksgiving someone will inevitably ask me, “what are you thankful for this year Allie?" My answer is usually the same, I’m thankful for my family and for my friends and for having a wonderful husband who is kind and patient even when I’m not… and I’m thankful that I have the opportunity to spread love and kindness everywhere I go. This past Sunday when my family met for Thanksgiving dinner my answer was di erent, although I haven't stopped being thankful for everything else too.

Adventures with Allie

As November unfolds and the autumn leaves descend, we’re reminded of a day that holds profound signi. cance for our great nation.

Legal notices should be published in the local paper

As stewards of the taxpayers' dollars, Mannford's city government should be focused on results. Government is basically a service-related business funded by tax dollars, therefore, one would believe results would be important to the powers that be - return on investment - ROI.